St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School


Cycle A: Autumn 2 - 'Once Upon a Time'

We listened to various traditional stories including, 'Goldilocks and the Three Bears', 'Little Red Riding Hood' and 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' 

We have engaged in the stories by listening and talking about them. We have been getting familiar with story language, retelling the stories using props and using repetitive phrases. We have participated in a variety of activities including being creative by making models using different materials linked to the stories and developing our social skills through turn taking during role play. 

WINTER - We are continuing to learn about seasons and our focus this term was 'Winter'. We investigated and explored winter themed objects. It even snowed and we got to investigate and explore the snow. 


CELEBRATIONS AND EVENTS - This term, we also celebrated a variety of events. These included, bonfire night, Diwali, Children in need, Odd sock day, nursery rhyme week, Remembrance day, Design Technology Curriculum day and Christmas. 

EYFS NATIVITY - We performed the nativity story and sang songs to an audience.

Here we are in our costumes.