St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School


Cycle A: Spring 2 - 'In the Garden'

We listened to various stories including 'Jack and the beanstalk' and 'Oliver's vegetables'. We learnt about healthy and unhealthy food. We sorted fruit and vegetables and discussed the differences between the fruit from the story 'Handa's surprise and other differences between England and Kenya. We also learnt about the famous artist Vincent VanGogh and created our own flower paintings. We have been planting our own vegetables and flowers, which we will care for and harvest when the vegetables are ready to taste. 

CELEBRATIONS - This term, we also celebrated World Book Day and joined in with Comic Relief.

This term, we also took part in Science week where we invited parents in to participate in various science activities, including planting beans, creating a 'magic paper flower' and investigating different smells. 
