St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School


Foundation Stage

Miss Goodrum (Starfish) and Mrs Moore (Turtles)

Welcome to EYFS,                                   

EYFS is very important for continuing the development of both the prime and specific areas of Early Years Outcomes. The focus is on three prime areas of learning:

  •  Communication and Language
  •  Physical Development
  •  Personal, Social and Emotional Development


And four specific areas of learning:

  • Literacy
  • Mathematics
  • Understanding the World
  • Expressive Arts and Design

Observations of child initiated learning are carried out continually to monitor each child’s progress throughout the course of the year. Reception children will also have an English and Maths book.

Nursery Sessions

Nursery starts at 8:45 am and finishes at 11:45 am every week day.                                 

The Reception Day

School starts at 8:45 am and finishes at 3:15 pm every week day.

Miss Goodrum and Mrs Moore will be available before and after school, if you have any questions, concerns, or queries please do not hesitate to talk to us.


Our Classroom and Environment

We have a lovely open-plan classroom which has a wide range of different areas to be accessed during child initiated play. These allow children to develop lifelong skills such as, perseverance and independence. Some of the areas include a role-play area, water area, creative area and a reading area. We also have a fantastic outdoor area which is accessible from the classroom and is extremely beneficial in the learning and development within Early Years.


Teaching includes phonics and for Reception children we will work through phase 2, 3 and 4 of Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised incorporating a lesson into our daily routine. We will also have daily maths sessions based on 'Maths No Problem' and 'Number Sense.' 




Each half term, we learn about a different theme. Some of the themes we are going to learn about are 'Once Upon a Rhyme', 'Colour', 'Animal Antics' and 'Fantasy and adventure'. We also love celebrating different festivals and events around the world, such as Pancake Day, Diwali, Christmas, and Lunar New Year.



Physical development will be addressed daily through a variety of activities to develop the children's gross and fine motor control and fundamental movement skills. 


Those children in on a Thursday afternoon will take part in a PE lesson. For this, your child will need black PE shorts, a white t-shirt and some indoor plimsolls or trainers. Children can leave their PE kit on their peg in the classroom so they have it ready for the lesson. Please ensure all clothes and footwear are clearly named, long hair is tied back and any ear piercing removed. 


Reception children will bring home a Little Wandle reading book, a shared reading book and a phonics book each week. Please share the books with your child, listen to them read and make a comment in their reading journal. Children will also bring home a phonics pack of graphemes and words that we are learning each half term. Please practice these graphemes and words with your child. These will be given out on a Monday and are to be returned on Wednesdays.

Nursery children will bring home a story book to share each week. 

All Early Years will also bring home a half termly newsletter informing parents of the focus of our learning for each half term.