St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School


Class 6 (Year 4) - Mrs Brownless

Welcome to Class 6,

Hello, I am Miss Hutton and I am the class teacher in Year 4.  We are very lucky to be supported in our classroom by Ms Salmons.

We are really looking forward to working in Year 4 and Class 6 is very much a team! We know if we all work together, we will have a successful and enjoyable school year. 

Supporting your child’s safety and wellbeing will remain our top priority. Should you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, we will always be available to support you so please contact us. Each day we will be available on the playground after school or alternatively you can make an appointment through the school office.


A Note for Parents

Water Bottles

Children can bring a water bottle to school. It should be labelled with your child's name. Children will bring their bottles home daily for cleaning. Please ensure that children only have water in their classroom bottle. (A separate bottle for juice can be sent in if your child has a packed lunch).

Reading books

Children will bring their reading books and reading journals home from school each day and they are encouraged to read them each night, ideally an adult is to sign the reading journal daily.

Please ensure all reading books and reading journals are returned to school every day – we will be reading our reading books each day in school too.


Your child will bring home 20 spellings on a Monday. They should practise these spellings each night and they will be tested on 10 of them on a Friday. These spelling sheets should not be returned to school.  


Your child's PE day is a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please ensure that on PE days children come to school in their school uniform and will get changed into their PE kit before the session.  PE kit is black shorts, a white t-shirt and appropriate footwear. PE will be taking place both indoors and outdoors, so children are advised to bring a hoodie and joggers or leggings to keep warm outside, as well as trainers or plimsolls.