St Helen's Primary School

St. Helen's Primary School


Class 3 (Year 2) - Mr Dowding

 Hello and Welcome to Class 3!

The teacher of Class 3 is Mr Dowding. We are so fortunate to be supported in class by Ms Fletcher.

Year 3 is a busy year as children work hard to be prepared for end of KS1 assessments.

Reading Journals

As ever, reading is such a big focus this year. Your child will bring their reading journal home with their book on a Wednesday and this should be returned on the Monday. Your child will receive tricky words to read on a Monday to Wednesday. You should aim to listen to your child read every night and write a comment in their journal to say how they got on. 

Water Bottles

Children can bring a water bottle to school. It should be labelled with your child's name. Children will bring their bottles home daily for cleaning. 


From Autumn 2, your child will bring home spellings on a Monday. They should practise these spellings each night and they will be tested on 10 of them on a Friday. These spelling sheets should not be returned to school.  


Homework will be sent home every Friday to be returned by Wednesday of the following week. If there are any questions about homework, please do not hesitate to contact school where we will help. 


Your child's PE day is a Monday. Children can come to school on their PE day wearing their PE kit and do not need to bring a change of clothes. PE kit is black shorts, a white t-shirt and appropriate footwear.